Legacy QA Agreements

Following the amalgamations of Counties Laois and Offaly VECs, and the transfer of responsibility for the former SOLAS (FÁS) training services in both counties, LOETB is re-engaging with QQI, the independent State agency responsible for promoting quality and accountability in education and training services in Ireland (for further information, see www.qqi.ie ).

QQI published Core Statutory Quality Assurance Guidelines in April 2016, followed by the Sector Specific Guidelines for ETBs in May 2017.

At the time of its establishment in 2013, LOETB reviewed its two “legacy” quality assurance agreements, policies and procedures, operated separately by the two VECs, and developed a common QA agreement for its Further Education Service, pending the agreement of a new QA agreement with QQI. Since the transfer of former SOLAS Training Services, the TQAS System has been in use for those services. Therefore, two legacy QA agreements are in place, but LOETB is now working on developing a common set of policies and procedures that will apply to all its services and centres. The resource documents associated with the legacy QA Agreements are listed below for information purposes:

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