Word Processing

Course Overview:

The QQI component title of this module is Word Processing. The module code is 5N1358. The module is at level 5 and the module holds a credit value of 15 credits on the National Framework of Qualifications. This module forms part of the major award Level 5 Business Studies 5M2468 (optional module).

Course Aim:

To facilitate the learner to explore Business Administration with a view to re-skilling/up-skilling and exploring concepts and subject areas that may interest the learner in future programmes or employment:

  • To provide the learner with a broad range of specialised knowledge applicable to business administration in a range of sectors,
  • To facilitate the learner in evaluating and using information to plan, develop and determine solutions to varied problems relating to business administration in a variety of contexts,
  • To provide a programme of learning that is vocational in nature and flexible in structure so that the learner has the maximum opportunity to improve his/her academic and vocational literacy, numerical, ICT and planning skills while participating in the programme,
  • To afford the learner opportunities to enhance his/her confidence and ability to develop the skills to reach his/her full potential,
  • To facilitate the learner to further develop his/her interpersonal, team working, problem solving and time management skills, as appropriate, so that the learner is enabled to take responsibility for his/her own learning and to support progression including future participation in education and employment,
  • To provide the learner with vocationally specific knowledge, skill and competence at this level, thus affording the learner the opportunity to progress to programmes leading to awards at level 6 or above,
  • To facilitate the learner to reflect on and evaluate his/her performance while participating in the programme,


This module can be used as part of the major award in Business Administration (5M2468)

* All level 5 programme applicants must hold a level 4 major award or equivalent and have access to a laptop/pc with good broadband.


Commencing January 2021 for 14 weeks, one evening per week.


QQI Level 5 certificate.


€25.00 (certification).


Contact Tamara on 057 86 61338 or tlatham@loetb.ie


Click here to complete a registration form.

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