Programming & Design Principles

Course Aim:

To introduce learners to the concepts involved in programming and to equip them with the techniques to design, code and test efficient practical applications on their own and as part of a team.

Course Overview:

Learners will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of the historical development of computer programming,
  • Demonstrate an understanding of algorithms and their applications in solving real‐world problems,
  • Differentiate between programming languages by identifying their distinguishing characteristics,
  • Develop an understanding of the procedural syntax of a modern programming language to include storage (variables and data types), expressions, statements, input/output, reserved keywords and operators,
  • Explain the sequential nature of problem solving and how it relates to the science of computer programming,
  • Summarise a broad range of structured programming and design concepts to include pseudo‐code, storage and control structures (selection and iteration),
  • Develop a range of documented computer programs to solve a variety of familiar and unfamiliar specified problems,
  • Utilise a selection of modularisation concepts such as functions, procedures, variable scope and parameter passing,
  • Interpret compiler and linker messages to the extent that an appropriate course of action can be taken to remedy any reported errors,
  • Devise a testing process using structured walk‐throughs and debugging tools,
  • Comply with an accepted set of coding standards in their use of comments, indentation and variable naming,
  • Work as part of a team to design, develop, release and review multiple versions of a multi‐modular program over an extended period of time.



  • Skills Demonstration (Practical) 70%
  • Exam (Theory) 30% 


* All level 5 programme applicants must hold a level 4 major award or equivalent and have access to a laptop/pc with good broadband.


Commencing March 2021 for 7 weeks, two evenings per week.


QQI Minor Award.


€25.00 (certification).


Contact Tamara on 057 86 61338 or


Click here to complete a registration form.


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