ICT Security & Policy Management

Course Aim:

This course is for you if you would like to learn how to identify, select, implement, document and verify IT security management policies. It will enable you to explore your chosen IT area and create an awareness of skills applicable to IT security management policies. You will also plan and develop investigative strategies to determine solutions to defined and ill-defined problems. This class involves a mix of classroom learning and practical activities in an engaging and interactive learning environment.

Course Overview:

On completion of this programme learners will have the skills, knowledge and competencies to install, configure and maintain computer systems and basic networks under supervision leading to employment in a range of sectors. It also facilitates progression in education including to further and higher, education or training.

  • Skills Demonstration (Practical) - 70%
  • Examination (Theory) - 30%         

* All level 5 programme applicants must hold a level 4 major award or equivalent and have access to a laptop/pc with good broadband.



Commencing March 2021 for 7 weeks, two evenings per week.


QQI Minor Award.


€25.00 (certification).


Contact Tamara on 057 86 61338 or tlatham@loetb.ie


Click here to complete a registration form.

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