FET Quality Forum

Terms of Reference of LOETB FET Quality Forum


The purpose of the FET Quality Forum is to oversee the development of FET QA policies and procedures at LOETB. This includes the establishment of new policies/procedures and the ongoing review of existing FET QA policies and procedures. The Quality forum will also oversee the Results Approval process and support professional development in LOETB.


The membership of the FET Quality Forum is designed to enable LOETB management and external stakeholders to collectively contribute to the development and quality of the LOETB’s Further Education and Training provision.

Co-Chairs: The Co-Chairs will be members of the FET Management Team (FMT). 

Secretary: The Secretary will be appointed by the FET Management Team.

Ordinary Members:

  • Member of the Further Management Team 
  • 2 Representatives from Centres 
  • 1 Representative from Skills Team 
  • 1 Representative from Inclusion 
  • 1 Representative from Mount Lucas 
  • 1 Representative from Apprenticeship Services (as required) 
  • 1 QA Staff Member 

Accountable to:                    


Schedule of Meetings:

The FET Quality Forum will meet bimonthly. For a quorum to be established, 50% of members plus one additional member must be in attendance. 

The meeting agenda and supporting documentation will be made available to members at least one week in advance of a scheduled meeting. Meeting outcomes are recorded and circulated in draft form within two weeks of a meeting. The minutes of meetings are approved at the beginning of the subsequent meeting of the FET Quality Forum. Confirmed minutes are submitted for noting to the next meeting of the FMT. 

Decisions are made by consensus or by the exercise of a vote if necessary; the Chair has the deciding vote in the event of a split decision. 

In some cases, at the discretion of the Co-Chairs, an incorporeal meeting of the FET Quality Forum may be held where reports can be circulated virtually and accepted by members without the FET Quality Forum having to meet.  


  • Reviewing draft policies and procedures and making recommendations to the FMT 
  • Creating a formal schedule for review of current policies and development of new policies 
  • Appointing a QA Policy Development & Review Group to draft policy documentation in specific areas and identifying the expertise required for its membership  
  • Reviewing feedback reports on existing policies and making recommendations, including staff development and learner support requirements, to the FMT 
  • Assigning the QA Policy Development & Review Group the responsibility to implement minor modifications and additions to policies/procedures recommended as a result of policy reviews, where these do not affect module outcomes  
  • Reviewing reports from RAP meetings across the service 
  • Reviewing draft policy documentation submitted by the Policy Development & Review Group and recommending to the FMT for approval 
  • Monitoring implementation of new policies/procedures and providing updates on same to the FMT 
  • Ensuring that relevant professional development programmes are provided for FET staff 
  • Ensuring that the FET PD Procedure is implemented and reviewed as necessary 
  • Reviewing the findings of each self-evaluation quarterly 
  • Reporting areas of improvement following the self-evaluation reports to the FMT. 
  • Arranging a schedule for the Self-Evaluation process. 



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